Last week we were called by one of our charity projects working with young people at street level in East London detailing a catastrophe that is unfolding. Those in the frontline, working on some notorious housing estates, detail violent crime, domestic abuse and starvation.
Strains on social services have their impact on the vulnerable. Traditional interventions such as schools, social services and police are struggling to cope and gangs are filling the vacuum. Our partner project in East London asked directly for money for food and utility keys for thirty families and the ALMT have been able to respond quickly.
These are extraordinary times and we, as the ALMT are taking extraordinary measures.
Our partners across the globe are continuing to support those most in need. Although many organisations have halted activities temporarily, many others are continuing to deliver amazing outcomes in very challenging circumstances. We are in close contact with all of our partners and actively seeking ways to support them and their participants through this period. We are all aware that the effects of Covid-19 will continue to be felt for a long time to come and are keen to offer the right support.
The ALMT has already committed to the following:
– We understand the need for flexibility with targets and reporting schedules and that during this period many of our partners will not be able to achieve their initial aims. We are committed to working with our partners to identify new goals and find the best way forward.
– We have confirmed that project funding can be used to pay for freelance fees and workers even though they cannot currently deliver projects.
– We have identified a specialist accountant who will be able to provide free advice to partners about accessing government support (for example this may be for workers who are furloughed).
– We are fast-tracking annual payments and approval of reapplications from existing partners.
– Existing partners can apply for up to £5,000 unrestricted income if they are in crisis as a result of Covid-19.
– We are encouraging applications which respond directly to the Covid-19 situation and will prioritise applications from existing partners.
– We will be compiling and sharing weekly funding information and resources which may be useful for partner organisations.
– We are constantly receiving requests for basic needs from our partners and many children around the world are facing catastrophic circumstances. The ALMT continues to assess and respond to the escalating need in a directed and focussed way. If you would like to hear more about starting a co-funding journey with us then please get in touch. Alternatively if you would like to make a one-off donation then please click here
– Food banks nationally are struggling to cope with demand and desperately require donations of food and volunteers. To find your local foodbank click here.
– Many young people are struggling to learn as they don't have access to ipads and laptops. If you have any old computer equipment which could be donated to our partner organisations this will be of tremendous help. Please contact us if you are able to help.