Help us help families this Christmas….

Many organisations aim to give something extra to their participants over the Winter break and for the past 3 years the ALMT has provided additional funding to key UK partners at Christmas.  This has been particularly important since the Cost of Living crisis and is targeted at families who are really struggling financially.   This […]

Ultra Challenge Series 2025

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Push yourself further and raise money for the ALMT.  Take on a 10km, 25km, 50km 75km or even a 100km Ultra Challenge in 2025! We have registered as a listed charity for 19 great events in 2025. Are you looking for a challenge – to test yourself, to get in shape, or bond with friends […]

Congratulations to the Hairless Bikers…

Tom Love

Wow – what a huge achievement raising money for the Tom Love Trust working with ALMT… Well done and thank you Ed, James and Tommy as they continue on their epic cycle across Norway!  You can view their progress here: You can support them here:

Supporting movement and development in under-fives in temporary accommodation in Newham

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A visit to The Magpie Project, working with migrant and asylum-seeking families with pre-school children in Newham, 8 May 2024 by Kate Richardson, ALMT Grants Officer It’s 10.15am on a sunny Wednesday morning in Newham, East London and the Magpie Project is already welcoming mums and pre-school children at their weekly Stay and Play session. […]

A week’s work experience with the ALMT …

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“During my week of work experience at the ALMT, I was tasked with doing some research into how the ALMT is supporting refugee children. I was completely blind to the difficulties that refugees face, and my eyes have very much been opened over the course of my week here. I was impressed by the range […]

A fantastic evening launching Student Grief Networks’ “Touching Palms with Grief” Exhibition

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In 2022, the ALMT funded a creative project with the Student Grief Network and The New Normal Charity.  For many students, starting university can be tremendously problematic as feelings of loss can re-surface and lead to difficulties with engagement.  Despite grief being acknowledged as “highly stressful, with mental, emotional, physical, social, practical and financial impacts”, […]

Spring has Sprung at the ALMT

Asilomar Development Garden Image

Exciting new projects extending our reach across the UK: This Spring the ALMT approved a wide range of new and exciting projects across the UK.  A new partnership with The Children’s Book Project  is working to bridge the gap between children and their parent in prison by sharing a love of books and reading. New […]

ALMT Impact in 2023

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Read all about the success of ALMT funded projects in 2023 here. We continually review and assess every project’s impact to ensure that we are achieving our goal to improve the quality of life for the world’s most marginalised children and young people. In 2023 we focussed support on in-depth interventions with longer-term results and ALMT […]

Congratulations and Thank you to Dan Lawson who has arrived in Santiago!

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An epic journey is complete – Dan Lawson arrived in Santiago this week after walking all 758km of the Camino Way to raise funds for the ALMT – what a huge accomplishment! Dan says on his blog: ‘Reaching Santiago, I wanted a number of things. I wanted closure on a walk, I wanted the certification […]

Dan Lawson is making great progress along the Camino Way…

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Dan is raising money for the ALMT and walking all 758km of the Camino Way.  He is well on his way along the route and is posting regular updates on his blog at: Keep it up Dan! If you would like to support his fundraising then please click here to donate to the ALMT