Mungo’s preschool – Eswatini

African Village School Fund

Providing financial support and hardship relief to the orphans and vulnerable children of Ekudzeni.



Start Year:


Run Time:


Participant Age:

0-5 years

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What is Co-Funding?

Co-funding with the ALMT allows individuals, other Trusts and Foundations, and Companies to contribute funds directly to individual, vetted and approved, project partnerships. With fifteen years of experience awarding grants and working in partnership with children’s organisations around the world, the ALMT is best placed to support you in your philanthropy.

The ALMT funded a grant consisting of three key elements to the African Village School Fund (AVSF) in 2012. One of these elements was the provision of a mini bus to enable both preschool students and the local football team to travel to and from the community. The community was divided by a fast flowing, deep river with no safe crossing for the pupils travelling to both Angus Lawson’s Primary School and Mungo’s preschool. AVSF were becoming increasingly concerned that this was a tragedy waiting to happen and need to build a permanent bridge to link the two halves of the community safely.


AVSF’s feeding programme fed up to 200 children daily, and as a result, needed to increase their livestock and agricultural projects to ensure future sustainability and demand. Since the purchase of their original pig, Polly, they had raised 14 further piglets and a second sow was due to give birth imminently. One pig provides enough meat for a month and gives the children a much-needed source of protein to supplement their staple maize diet. AVSF also received the funds to diversify their crop base by adding potatoes and more vegetables because although maize is Swaziland’s main crop, it has poor nutritional value. The final element was the addition of a cow to provide fresh milk and chickens to provide eggs to improve the children’s health, wellbeing and nutritional status greatly. The chickens also provide a valuable, additional income through the sale of excess eggs.

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